What is a Circular Economy and How is Bio-Origins Contributing to it

A circular economy is a systemic approach to economic development designed to benefit businesses, society, and especially the environment. A circular economy is regenerative by design and aims to gradually decouple growth from the consumption of limited resources. This model is based on three principles:

  • Design out waste and pollution

  • Keep products and materials in use

  • Regenerate natural systems

The main difference between a circular economy and a linear economy is waste. In a linear economy, resources are taken and transformed into products just to later be disposed of. Whereas a circular economy eliminates the waste by using it as raw natural material.


Transitioning to a circular economy builds long-term resilience, generates business and economic opportunities, and provides environmental and societal benefits. This concept recognizes the importance of the economy needing to work effectively at all scales.

At Bio-Origins we take pride in our circular economy. We use biomass as our main ingredient in our products, which we collect locally through farmers' agricultural residue. We then minimally process the biomass to convert it into packaging. The packaging is then used to package fruits and vegetables, and is later thrown into the compost. The compost then goes back into the soil to create more biomass, completing the cycle.

We at Bio-Origins are dedicated to saving natural resources for our children and the next generation. It’s our goal to eliminate plastic waste and contribute to a safer, more natural future, and we do this through providing environmentally friendly products.


Benefits of Using Biodegradable Food Packaging